Monday, September 21, 2009

Bookmobile 2009!

The American Red Cross of Greater Indianapolis is gearing up for their first Bookmobile visits of the school year at participating IPS schools. The gang is preparing the Bookmobile. . .

Ready Eddie: Hey guys! I just got back from the Bookmobile Room. Wow, we have tons of books! And we still have tons more to unpack!

Confused Connie: That is really exciting! The Red Cross is going to make a lot of money selling books this year!

Prepared Patty: Connie, don't you know anything about the Red Cross Bookmobile? The Red Cross doesn't sell books, they give them away!

Confused Connie: Really? For FREE?

Ready Eddie: Yeah, isn't that cool?

Confused Connie: Wait . . . do the kids get to keep the books, or do they just borrow them, like at the library? The library is free . . .

Prepared Patty: They get to keep the books.

Confused Connie: Forever?

Ready Eddie: Forever.

Confused Connie: That is really cool! How nice of the Red Cross! But . . . what kind of books? They aren't dumb books, are they? Are they . . . about the Red Cross?

Prepared Patty: No silly! We worked really hard to research what kinds of books kids are into.

Ready Eddie: Yeah! We have stuff like Goosebumps and Junie B. Jones and The Magic Treehouse and Hannah Montana . . .

Confused Connie: I LOVE Hannah Montana!

Prepared Patty: I'm more into Goosebumps. I've read all the Goosebumps. Hannah Montana is not very prepared, Connie.

Ready Eddie: . . . and books about sports and science and comic book characters . . .

Prepared Patty: We better go get the Bookmobile ready! We have lots of books to distribute!

Confused Connie: Okay! Bye guys! I can't wait to start giving out free books to the kids at our bookmobile schools!

Ready Eddie: . . . and classics and joke books and Cheetah Girls and Hardy Boys graphic novels . . .

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