Thursday, April 15, 2010

A Message from Prepared Patty

Hi everyone! Prepared Patty here. I wanted to share some information with you today about thunderstorm safety, so you can be prepared as I am!

What I would like to talk about is called the 30/30 rule, and it is about what you should do to stay safe if you are playing outside when dangerous weather might be happening. The rule is this:

If you are outside, and you hear thunder or see lighting, you need to slowly count to 30. If you see lightning or hear thunder again before you get to 30, you need to go inside, and you need to stay inside for 30 minutes after the storm ends.

Some people think thunderstorms are cool, but they can also be very, very dangerous, so you need to make sure you are safe when one happens. Thunderstorms can move very quickly, so be sure you react right away!

Thanks for listening to my message everybody! Now you can be Red Cross Ready for thunderstorms, too!

Complete the jigsaw puzzle below to view a photograph of a thunderstorm over Indianapolis!

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