The American Red Cross of Greater Indianapolis is gearing up for their first Bookmobile visits of the school year at participating IPS schools. The gang is preparing the Bookmobile. . .
Ready Eddie: Hey guys! I just got back from the Bookmobile Room. Wow, we have tons of books! And we still have tons more to unpack!
Confused Connie: That is really exciting! The Red Cross is going to make a lot of money selling books this year!
Prepared Patty: Connie, don't you know anything about the Red Cross Bookmobile? The Red Cross doesn't sell books, they give them away!
Confused Connie: Really? For FREE?
Ready Eddie: Yeah, isn't that cool?
Confused Connie: Wait . . . do the kids get to keep the books, or do they just borrow them, like at the library? The library is free . . .
Prepared Patty: They get to keep the books.
Confused Connie: Forever?
Ready Eddie: Forever.
Confused Connie: That is really cool! How nice of the Red Cross! But . . . what kind of books? They aren't dumb books, are they? Are they . . . about the Red Cross?
Prepared Patty: No silly! We worked really hard to research what kinds of books kids are into.
Ready Eddie: Yeah! We have stuff like Goosebumps and Junie B. Jones and The Magic Treehouse and Hannah Montana . . .
Confused Connie: I LOVE Hannah Montana!
Prepared Patty: I'm more into Goosebumps. I've read all the Goosebumps. Hannah Montana is not very prepared, Connie.
Ready Eddie: . . . and books about sports and science and comic book characters . . .
Prepared Patty: We better go get the Bookmobile ready! We have lots of books to distribute!
Confused Connie: Okay! Bye guys! I can't wait to start giving out free books to the kids at our bookmobile schools!
Ready Eddie: . . . and classics and joke books and Cheetah Girls and Hardy Boys graphic novels . . .