American Red Cross of Greater Indianapolis’ Youth team recently finished a summer of Disaster Preparedness presentations at local camps. We reached 2344 local kids during 84 camps around the area. Our friends Eddie, Patty, and Connie discuss some of the highlights of the summer . . .
Ready Eddie: What a great summer! We helped over 2000 kids at summer camps get prepared for disasters these past few months! We taught them to be Red Cross Ready by getting a kit, making a plan, and being informed!
Prepared Patty: If any of those kids experience a disaster they will know what to do because they are prepared. Being prepared for disasters is important! If a disaster happens, you are less likely to get hurt or need assistance after if you are prepared!
Confused Connie: We saw so many kids! It made me laugh how everyone thought the radio in our disaster kit was a walkie-talkie!
Ready Eddie: We gave presentations in such a wide variety of locations! Outside, inside, in the sun, in the rain . . .
Prepared Patty: Remember when the power went out during our presentation at Shepherd Community Center? Good thing I was prepared with that glow stick!
Confused Connie: That thunderstorm was pretty scary. I am glad I leaned so much about what do to during thunderstorms so I don’t freak out when they happen.
Ready Eddie: Yes, Connie, it is good not to freak out when we give presentations! I am glad you learned so much so that you will be ready for the next possible disaster.
Confused Connie: I learned how to do the tornado position!
Ready Eddie: That is great, Connie!
Confused Connie: But I am worried . . . what if I don’t remember everything that I learned? We gave out a lot of information during our presentations. What if I forget something important???
Prepared Patty: That is why we gave out those Be Red Cross Ready booklets. They cover a lot of the same information the presentations covered and more! That way, even if you don’t remember everything from the presentation, you can still review the material any time you want so you can be confident you are prepared.
Confused Connie: Oh yeah! I remember those booklets! And we also gave out activity books and pencils and bookmarks and band-aids . . .
Ready Eddie: Yeah! If someone gets a small cut or scrape, I will be ready with my band-aids!
Prepared Patty: Don’t forget to wear gloves when you are helping someone who is bleeding!
Ready Eddie: Don’t worry, Patty, I won’t.
Confused Connie: We had so much fun this summer!!! I am sad it is over. I liked visiting all the camps and meeting all those great kids!
Ready Eddie: There is no need to be sad, Connie, the American Red Cross of Greater Indianapolis does these summer programs every year. Plus, there are various events during the school year and the book mobile! We will still be out in the community helping kids get prepared for disasters!